

Sending thousands of SMS messages with a single click is no longer a big deal these days. You can easily do it by choosing the right platform and following a few simple steps. In this blog, we’ll discuss how you can send thousands of SMS messages at once using Sparrow SMS.

Visit the Website

First, go to the Sparrow SMS official website and log in. If this is your first time, you can create a demo account and get access to the free trial. During this phase, our team will assist you with the account activation process. Once you log in, you’ll see an interface like this:


Buy Credits

Now you have to buy credits according to your requirement. Right now, we are sending 1,000 SMS, so we need 1,000 credits. Just click on the Buy Credit option to purchase.

Message Setup

In this step, simply click on the Send SMS option and select Bulk SMS as shown in image. Then you can see these options:

  1. Identity: This is the sender information shown in the message box.
  2. Contacts: For a small list of contacts, you can type them manually, separated by commas.
  3. Import Files: For a large volume of contacts, just create an Excel file and import it into the system.
  4. Message: Enter the message that you want to deliver.
  5. Advanced Options: If you want to schedule the message, you can do this from the Advanced Options.


Now you are ready to go. After you enter all the required information, just simply click on the Submit option, and it will reach thousands.


With the right tools at your side, such as Sparrow SMS, sending 1,000 SMS in one go is truly easy and effective. You can easily reach your audience and achieve your communication goals by following the above stepsNow, get started with bulk SMS today and enjoy super-fast, reliable messaging!